RS, Brasil


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1. Centro Linha Brasil, RS, Brasil
2. Faxinal (Santa Cruz do Sul), RS, Brasil
3. Linha Brasil, RS, Brasil
   4. Marechal Floriano, RS, Brasil
5. Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
6. Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil (+,1)
   7. Santa Maria do Herval (Wallachei), RS, Brasil
8. Venâncio Aires, RS, Brasil (1)

A number in parentheses after the place name indicates how many other places are contained in the place in question. A + sign indicates that there is a record for the place itself in the database.

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South Brazilian Family Trees - Site owned by Carlos A. Heuser  (©2004-2025) - Contents © Berty Edwino Bencke & Pastor Lair Hessel Data Protection Policy Software  TNG  (©2001-2025 Darrin Lythgoe)