Genealogy database

This is the start page of the genealogical database. A more detailed description of the database is found on the opening page of the site.

The menus above and the links on this page give access to the database.


As explained on the site opening page the database contains three family trees. Use the selector below to change to a specific tree.


The 10 largest countries

This list only contains main tree (*Árvore principal) countries. The other trees are not organized by country.

Click on a place to show details and individuals at the place.

Deutschland (485)
Brasil (482)
Sweden (304)
Portugal (52)
USA (37)
Österreich (32)
Romania (13)
Denmark (12)
France (11)
Italy (10)

Heat Map

Heat Map

South Brazilian Family Trees - Site owned by Carlos A. Heuser  (©2004-2025) Data Protection Policy Software  TNG  (©2001-2025 Darrin Lythgoe)
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