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Notizen: This name appears in the wedding registry entry of Conrad Heuser. I could not find a village with the name of Wallschiedt.
There is a Wallscheid in the Eifel region, near to Traben. However, a researcher that knows this region well couldn't find any Heusers in that village at that time of the wedding.
There is further a Wahlschied in the Saarland. Was a Lutheran village and could be this one.
Apart from these, there are two villages with the name Wahlscheid in todays Germany: Wahlscheid bei Lohmar im Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, Nordrhein-Westphalen, Germany and Wahlscheid in Engelskirchen im Oberbergischen Kreis, Regierungsbezirk Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.
There is further a Walscheid in the Lorraine region in France. This village was German at the time of the birth of Conrad Heuser.
In these three regions there were Heuser families, so it could be any of them.
Wikipedia: Links zu Wikipedia auf Deutsch: [Wallschiedt] [Deutschland] (Die obigen Links werden automatisch erzeugt. Es gibt keine Garantie dafür, dass sie zur richtigen Seite führen.)