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Silberne Hochzeit von Emil Ullman und Wanda Heuser Stehend von links nach rechts: Oscar Heuser, Felipe Heuser Fo., Henrique Heuser, Emilio Heuser, Alice Heuser, Max Ertel, Emil Ullman, ??, Adelina Barth.
Sitzend von links nach rechts: Arthur Heuser, Carlos Henrique Heuser, Marga Heuser, Petra Rios Moreira, Eugenia (Jenny) von Schwerin, Wanda Heuser, ??, Martha Ullman(?), Alfredo Heuser.
[S2] familysearch.org, Site of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Standesamtliche Registrierung der Geburt von Petra, Tochter von Hasdrubal Fernandes Moreira und Olympia Rios Moreira familysearch.org
[S2] familysearch.org, Site of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. www.familysearch.org
[S2] familysearch.org, Site of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Taufe von Petrona Rios Moreira www.familysearch.org
[S584] Eduard e Heinrich Laemmert, Almanak administrativo, mercantil, e industrial do Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Universal e a Tipografia Laemmert, Rio de Janeiro, 1935, 1169.
Geburt - 16 Jun 1891 - Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Taufe - 8 Jan 1892 - Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Beruf - Uma 'Petronita Heuser' aparece como proprietária de uma pensão em 1935, em Santa Cruz. - zwischen 1935 und 1937 - Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Tod - 11 Dez 1964 - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Beerdigung - - Cemitério São Miguel e Almas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Eheschließung - - Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
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